CAS no.: 74-79-3
Test Items | Limit |
Identification | conforms (as per EP5) |
Appearance of solution | clear and not more intensely coloured t han reference solution BY6 |
Specific optical rotation | +25.5o to +28.5o |
Ninhydrin-positive substances | conforms(asperEP5) |
Chloride | ≤ 200ppm |
Sulfate | ≤ 300ppm |
Ammonium | ≤ 200ppm |
Iron | ≤ 10ppm |
Heavy metals | ≤ 10ppm |
Loss on drying | ≤ 0.5% |
Sulphated ash | ≤ 0.1% |
Assay | 98.5% to 101.0% |